Monday, October 8, 2012

Quick Guide for making a Color Bar Wallpaper

Today, I am going to share a quick tutorial on how to make your very own Color Bar Wallpaper. Of course, screenshots are provided to make it more easier to do.

Here is the image that what we have to do:

First create a New Document (File > New > your preferred size > Ok)
I just use 640px by 480 px as a sample for this quick tutorial.

On Tool Bar, left side click on Gradient Tool (G). Right click on it to see Gradient Tool/Paint bucket tool. On its properties, let's edit the color gradients that we will be using on the Gradient Editor.

And these are the colors that we are going to use for this tutorial. To edit a color, simply double click the Color located below (red as sample) and input the color code below, Once done click OK.

Choose Linear Gradient beside the Gradient Editor on top, drag the mouse from left side to right side and this will be the result. Set the Background Color Pallete as Black located below the Tool bar.

On Menu Bar, choose Filter > Pixelate > Pointillize. Cell size will be 4 > OK

Then Filter > Blur > Motion Blur > Angle at 90 degrees > Distance at 721px > OK

We have the Color Bar already here, but it looks dull and dark, so let's add something to enlighten the image a little bit. On Tool bar, click on Marquee tool (M) > Elliptical Marquee Tool > Set feather as highlighted on screenshot as 60px, drag your mouse to the image.

Create a New Layer (Ctrl + Shift + N)
Use White as the Foreground Color > Paint bucket (G) > Fill
On top layer there is a drop down selection indicated as Normal.
Click it and choose Overlay.

Save your work and check afterwards. Practice more and play with different colors, see to it that your colors blend.

Here's my final output then:


  1. Thank you!!! You helped me complete my job :) very useful tutorial & you can use it to achieve diferrent effects.

  2. You're very much welcome Grenader. Sorry I have not updated my blog yet. I will post more tutorials to help out Photoshop newbies and fanatics. Happy Holidays!


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