Sunday, October 7, 2012

Clipping Mask on Photoshop

So what is it? Clipping mask is simply a shape that you are going to clip on a photo or an image.

In this tutorial, there are just few steps to learn how to use clipping mask.
It will look like it's hard to do, but I swear it's just as easy as 1,2,3.

Here is the final output of an image through Photoshop:

On the first step, on your Adobe Photoshop, Create a New Document about 640px by 480px.

New Document

Then put the word BEACH using Text Tool (T), use the font of your choice and any color will do. I use Carbon Block on my font, black as the color. Just like this screenshot:

Then choose a background that will suite your Text. Mine is BEACH so I look for an image with this kind of view. You may also use this image, just click on the link below.


Once downloaded, open the image and insert it on your document window. Please check on the Layers on the right corner, see that image you're using is on the top layer of your Text.

On this next step, you'll get the result of this tutorial. So simply click from the Menu Bar > Layer > Clipping Mask (Ctrl + Alt + G)

So here is the result of the Clipping Mask

Now Save it by going to Menu > File > Save > (Filename) > Format > Jpeg > Save

Then review your work afterwards, does it look like the final image?

Whew! No sweat right? Practice using Clipping Mask using different kinds of themes, fonts and images and who knows you might be the next one sharing this kind of tutorial.

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